Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Long-Felt Need of a legal Translation Textbook


Neglected for years by researchers legal translation has recently obsened a revival within Translation Studies all over the world. It is closely connected with the intensive development of research on specialised (LSP) translation and the growth of translator training institutions fueled by the increased demand on the translation market related to globalisat ion and the European Union. In the last decade three notable books, i.e. Śarćević (1997), A | caraz and Hughes (2002) and Cao ( fO07) , were published; however, none of them is well-suited for training Polish legal translators. Śarćević is theoretically oriented and focuses mainly on translation of legislation in multilingual countries (e.g. Canada) while practically-oriented Alcaraz & Hughes and Cao do not use Slavonic languages as their point of reference.